Wacom Europe

Enabling new ways to teach and learn

As leaders in intuitive, easy-to-use digital pen technology, we’re helping schools and universities keep up with the pace of change. Our products boost collaboration and interaction, creating a classroom feel – even when you’re not in one. Designed to work seamlessly with your IT infrastructure, they’re proven performers in any learning scenario.

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Wacom One pen display and artist
Wacom Europe

The latest in education

Whether you’re looking to enhance your lectures with digital ink, or you’re a student who wants to master the same tools that today’s top workplaces use, you’re sure to find something useful here.

5 Simple Stress-Busting Mindfulness Apps for Teachers

5 Simple Stress-Busting Mindfulness Apps for Teachers

Simple Ideas to Personalise Remote Support for Teachers

Simple Ideas to Personalise Remote Support for Teachers

How to Use Cognitive Load Theory to Create Effective Online Lessons

How to Use Cognitive Load Theory to Create Effective Online Lessons

Remote Learning: Planning for the Fall 2020 School Year

Remote Learning: Planning for the Fall 2020 School Year

The power of digital ink

Throughout history, ink has been a vital medium for humanity to convey our thoughts and knowledge. From cave paintings made with natural pigments to the creation of cultural manuscripts, ink has been the cornerstone of human expression. In recent times, digital ink technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and create, and Wacom has been a pioneer in this field. By innovating electro-magnetic resonance (EMR) technology, Wacom has transformed the use of digital ink in modern art and design. Today, Wacom's advanced technology is used by artists and creatives all over the world to bring their ideas to life.

Wacom Intuos Pro

Wacom pen tablets

Wacom has a pen tablet for nearly every creative pursuit. One by Wacom is perfect for beginners. Wacom Intuos empowers digital drawing, painting, editing, and more for creatives of all levels. And Wacom Intuos Pro brings the precision, performance, and productivity that professionals trust.
Wacom Cintiq Pro 16

Wacom pen displays

With a Wacom pen display, experience the ultimate control and accuracy by using our best-in-class pressure-sensitive pens directly on the screen. Available in a range of sizes and feature sets – from the portable, beginner-friendly Wacom One, to the various sizes of Wacom Cintiq Pro models, with best-in-class colour representation, gesture controls, and ExpressKeys for workflow customization – there's a Wacom pen display to empower the boldest creative endeavours.Β 

Elevate engagement, collaborate, & teach with Wacom

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Enabling new ways to teach and learn

As leaders in intuitive, easy-to-use digital pen technology, we’re helping schools and universities keep up with the pace of change. Our products boost collaboration and interaction, creating a classroom feel – even when you’re not in one. Designed to work seamlessly with your IT infrastructure, they’re proven performers in any learning scenario.

Software trials included with every purchase

Explore the range of free software trials included with every Wacom pen tablet and pen display purchase.* Whether you want to draw, paint, create comics, or edit photos, we have you covered.

* Registering your Wacom product and signing in with a Wacom ID is required to access software.

Connect with Wacom on Social


Learn how to customize your pen and change the brush size in just two  steps ✍️

Discover all the amazing features about your Pen in the link in bio!

#WacomOne #WacomPen
400 3
For a creative professional team like @parasolisland , efficiency and productivity is key to deliver the best results to their clients πŸš€

For years they were using pen tablets and pen displays in combination with high-end monitors, and today they can reduce all of that into one single device: the New Wacom Cintiq Pro.

Thanks to the excellent colour accuracy of the Cintiq Pro 27, this makes a big difference on their workflow.

Get in touch with our enterprise team in the link in bio.

#WacomCintiqPro #Animation
176 5
Exciting news for all creatives! πŸš€

πŸ’« Join Wacom at Playgrounds for a celebration of design, animation, and gaming craftsmanship! @tad.playgrounds @weareplaygrounds 

πŸ’‘ Dive into artist talks, demos, screenings, and live sketching sessions.

✍️ Swing by our booth to test out our cutting-edge pen-displays and tablets, meet Wacom experts, and pick up some pro tips!

Meet us in:
πŸ“… Eindhoven (April 18th-19th)
πŸ“…  Berlin, DE (May 25th-26th)

For more info visit @tad.playgrounds πŸ’«

#Wacom #Playgrounds #CreativeCommunity
161 2
πŸŒ€ City Doodling: Amsterdam edition 🚲

This time creativity strikes us directly from the Amsterdam canals in the hands of @fragileart πŸ’«

#Doodling #Creativeinspiration #MadeWitjwacom
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Two ways of scrolling in the same display βœοΈπŸ‘€

Which one is your favourite move? πŸ‘‡

Customize your Wacom One and see where it takes you!

#WacomOne #WacomPen #CreativeInspiration
460 3
We chat with @adansilvart, illustrator and artist who has been working in branding & illustration projects for different brands. πŸš€

Join us while Adan shares insights into his creative journey and the vital role Wacom products has played in his career. ❀️

#ArtistInterview #illustration #DigitalArt
339 40
Today, we celebrate World Pencil Day πŸŽ‰

Wacom has been at the forefront of innovation, creating a digital pen that allows you to bring all your creations to life and have thousands of colors and textures in a single pen. ✍️

One of the features we love most about our Wacom One is that you can use any Wacom pen or any compatible pen with it.

Have you tried any of these? Let us know in the comments. πŸ‘‡

Check out our special offers in the link in bio!

#WorldPencilDay #WacomOne
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Friday with F like Finished work πŸ’«

We want to see your finished pieces, feel fry to join our artwork chain using the hashtag #MadewithWacom πŸš€

How are you ending the week?

#MadewithWacom #CreativeInspiration
322 1
Bedtime stories by @nlanzillo πŸ“šπŸ˜΄β£
It’s so cool to see all you can do in 3D and animation using the #CintiqPro27 πŸš€β£
#MadebyWacom in a #CintiqPro27
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At @parasolisland , where innovation is key to provide professional excellence as a high end studio, the Cintiq Pro family stands out for its design & ergonomic excellence. πŸš€

The Cintiq Pro’s adjustable design optimizes workspace, offering a productive workspace where professional creatives can improve their workflow . 🌟
Invest in the best tools for your team. 

Go to the link in bio to connect with our enterprise team.

#WacomCintiqPro #EfficientDesign #CreativeWorkspace
154 0