Wacom's Deep Dive with Carlos Villareal in Barcelona, Spain.

Hola Carlos! Gracias por tu tiempo.

Thank you for your time and for sharing your experience with our community. Let’s jump right into it:

Carlo’s latest creation

1-Thanks for having us. We love your work, tell us a little bit about your development and studies.

Hi! Thank you very much! I am very honoured to participate in this interview

My name is Carlos, I’m old (but not that much), I graduate in graphic design in 2002 (UASLP), master in multimedia 2004 (UPC) and postgraduate studies in Motion Graphics and motion graphics. IΒ΄ve worked for companies such has Samsung (2005-2008) Honda Spain (2008-2015). In 2015 I decided to become freelance and start my own company specialized in video streaming production, motion graphics and now Augmented Reality. For more info Carlosvillarreal.es.

2-What motivates you everyday?

Everything, well to be more specific, everything that moves… I love motion. Everything, no matter how little it moves, is interesting. From the spectacular movement of an industrial machine, to the slow movement of a beetle, being able to see it inspires me and consequently motivates me.

3.How did you start on Motion Graphics?

I was born in the 70’s when the most important event of the week was Saturday mornings and watching cartoons on tv. From that time, I have a special memory of Marvel’s Avengers (1965) whose animation if you see it now it is tremendously basic, but for me, it was the greatest visual spectacle in the universe (curious fact, the music of the intro in the Latin version is super cool! , the only version I found in internet is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHn-1N_hxNg), then Spiderman (70’s) came ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7ghouZQRe4) and that psychedelic style of color hypnotized me and motivated me to make my own creations.

I worked on my own comics and animations with a betacam camera. I learned through trial and error without having much information to consult, that is, our google of the time was creativity. Unfortunately, I lost most of the creations I did as a kid.

Life went on and due to different circumstances, I oriented my life towards medicine, which I studied for approximately 4 years, but deep inside I knew that what I liked was design and animation. So, I decided to quit my degree and start studying design. It was a shock for my family and many of my friends, they thought that I was crazy and that it would be impossible to become someone as a designer. Fortunately, life taught me that I made the right decision and it helped me find my way. I finished my degree in graphic design around 2002 and I moved to Barcelona to do a Master in Multimedia. From there I have had the opportunity to work for big companies that allowed me to make my way into design.

In 2015 I decided to stop being an employee and create my own company dedicated to design, motion graphics, video & Augmented Reality, which fortunately and despite the circumstances that we are experiencing, continues to move forward and grow.

4.- At the end of the day… what is the most important to you?

Keep working on what I like… Keep creating

5.- What inspires you to create?

As I said… Movement, there is nothing more beautiful that to see a runner in slow motion, or a sunrise in a time lapse, the fly of a hornet or to ride my bike on the road… If it moves, it inspires me!

And now with the development of the AR the possibility to add animation to the real life, gives more emotion to creativity.

Mente sana, en cuerpo sano.

6.- What are your favorite movies?

My Top 5

Alien (1979) Ridley Scott

The empire strikes back (1980) George Lucas

Pink Floyd – The Wall (1982) by Alan Parker

The Animatrix (2003) Various directors

Coco (2017) Lee Unkrich /AdriΓ‘n Molina

7. When you work… do you go into any “Zen” style? how? Do you listen to music or audiobooks? If so, which ones?

For me, music is the key. Music really helps me to concentrate, and it gives me inspiration.

The kind of music depends on so many things, like the weather, if its rainy or sunny, what kind of project I’m working on, my mood, etc…

But I like rock music, classical music, some electronic music… but I totally avoid regetΓ³n, trap, pop or things like that πŸ˜›

8. When did you discover Wacom and how has it improved your workflow?

I remember that when I was a design student, they taught us that to work we had to draw, sketch, illustrate, not to do things directly in the computer. Think of an idea and put it on paper. It is part of the creative process. So having the feeling of working with that pencil directly on the screen still maintains that essence with which I was brought up. A Wacom tablet is for me a basic tool of my work, without it, working with the computer is like working with a simple box.


9. What tablet do you use?

The fantastic and incredible Cintiq 22HD

10. In our community we know creative block is one main topic: how do you deal with this?

Beer… jajajaja!!! Well, sometimes you just have to deal with it… in the professional world you donΒ΄t have too much time to β€œnot be inspired”. Clients won’t wait for you to be inspired. Sometimes what you need is just a small break, disconnect for some moments and inspiration will come back to you.

11.- What can you recommend to the creatives out there to improve their work?

Mmm… so many things… to travel, to ride a bike, to keep watching movies and comics, to keep reading and studying, visit museums, taste new flavors (even if you don’t like them)… if you watch carefully, I think every little thing will teach something every day, and that will make you improve your work (and your world).

12.- When you go on holidays, what do you prefer? City? Beach? Mountains?

What is your favorite place in the world?

I really donΒ΄t know… I enjoy everything. If I’m in a new country I enjoy the city. If I’m in adventure mode, I enjoy the mountains. If I just want to relax, I enjoy the beach… I definitely enjoy the world.

My favorite place in the world is a small pier at the Barcelona beach… the perfect spot to disconnect and connect with the earth, wind and sea J

13.- Mention the best 3 things about being an artist






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