The flagship pen for the ultimate feel Do you know how exciting it is for professional artists when inspiration strikes? They venture into an...
Digital Ink
Animate Like A Pro: Fabio Gioffre’s Blocking Workflow with Wacom Movink
Igniting the creativity of professional artists! The pride of Wacom – Wacom Pro Pen 3
Understanding Wacom’s Semantic Ink Technology
Ever wondered about the deeper meaning behind each ink stroke? Wacom has found ways to understand your pen strokes in ways that positively benefit...
The Added Value of Pen Displays for Signature Capture in a Public Sector Work Environment
While we've had a lot of information to share with you about the added value of our products for signature capture, we haven't yet discussed the...
Enhancing Accessibility and Equity in the Workplace through Wacom Signature Solutions
Whether in person or virtually, the need for efficient and accessible tools for document signing and authentication, and especially digitized workflows, continues to flourish. This increasingly paperless technology is especially important in a conversation about accessibility and usability for a diverse range of people. Wacom, a leader in digital inking technology, offers a range of signature solutions, including signature pads, pen displays, and electronic signature software.
A Crash Course in Biometric Electronic Signature Verification
Electronic signature verification is the process of confirming that an created electronic or digitally-captured signature is valid, legally binding, and has not been altered or added without consent of the signer.
Strengthening identity systems with Wacom digital signature technology
With the rise of fraudulent documents and identity theft, governments are increasingly turning to biometric solutions like photo, signature, and fingerprint capture.
How to ensure your electronic signatures are legally binding and enforceable
With handwritten electronic signatures enabled by Wacom you can capture a legally binding signature digitally that looks and feels just like signing on paper.
An Introduction to Wacom Software Development Kits (SDKs)
In addition to our creative hardware technology, Wacom also innovates in the software industry. Wacom offers a series of SDKs (software development kits) for a variety of fields and applications.
The Multimodal Magic of WILL SDK for Ink: 3 Facets of Life Ink – project by Wacom & Ars Electronica Futurelab
This article delves into the realm of multimodal input of Wacom WILL SDK for ink, exploring how the fusion of sensor data and state-of-the-art technology is driving unprecedented application innovation.
Shop on the Wacom eStore
When you shop on the Wacom eStore you get access to discounts, financing, extended warranties, and industry leading consumer service teams.
The power of digital ink
Humans have been using ink for thousands of years to express ourselves and preserve knowledge – from plant-based paintings on cave walls to writing and illustrating foundational cultural manuscripts. In the 20th and 21st centuries, digital ink has taken this uniquely human impulse to the next level, with Wacom at the forefront. Wacom created the electro-magnetic resonance (EMR) technology that powers our devices, and we’ve been perfecting it ever since. Today, creatives worldwide use Wacom technology to empower their work through the use of digital ink.
Wacom drawing tablets
Wacom has a pen tablet for nearly every creative pursuit. One by Wacom is perfect for the beginner or student. Wacom Intuos bridges the gap between traditional and digital, empowering digital drawing, painting, and photo editing for creatives of all levels. The new Wacom One pen tablets are convenient and customizable. And Wacom Intuos Pro is trusted by creative professionals who need the ultimate in precision, performance, and productivity.
Wacom drawing displays
With a Wacom pen display, you use our pressure-sensitive pens directly on the screen for ultimate control and accuracy. Available in a range of display sizes and feature sets – from the 13” display of Wacom One, portable and perfect for beginners, to the Wacom Cintiq Pro in sizes from 16” to 27”, with best-in-class color, gesture controls, and ExpressKeys for customization – there's a Wacom pen display to empower every creator’s wildest dreams.