ΒΏMamΓ‘ creativa y tecnolΓ³gica? Estos pueden ser los regalos ideales para ella

May 5, 2021
Arte de la portada del blog por Loli.T Papel

Las posibilidades de regalos para este DΓ­a de las Madres es inmensa y aΓΊn estamos a tiempo de elegir uno perfecto. Es por esto que nos dimos la tarea de enlistar algunas opciones ideales para esas mamΓ‘s que quieren llevar su creatividad al siguiente nivel sin importar su ocupaciΓ³n.

Wacom One

Wacom One es la tableta perfecta si estΓ‘s iniciando en el mundo del arte digital o si quieres visualizar tu trabajo en nuevos formatos, ya que estΓ‘ diseΓ±ada para que su uso sea sencillo aΓΊn sin ser un experto. Se conecta fΓ‘cilmente a telΓ©fonos Android para trasladar tus creaciones entre dispositivos y brinda una sensaciΓ³n natural del lΓ‘piz en su amplia pantalla de 13.3″. Si tu mamΓ‘ estΓ‘ interesada en el dibujo, el retoque de fotos o videos o plasmar sus ideas en formato digital, esta es la mejor alternativa.

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Wacom Intuos

Wacom Intuos se adapta a cualquier espacio y es fΓ‘cil de transportar para crear sin importar donde te encuentres. Es la mΓ‘s adecuada si tu madre busca un lienzo completo para dar vida a sus ideas ya que mΓ‘s del 75 % de la tableta es Γ‘rea activa. Incluye tiempo atractivos programas de diseΓ±o como Clip Studio Pro y es posible mejorarla con otras aplicaciones que se pueden descargar directamente en el equipo. AdemΓ‘s, la adiciΓ³n de la conexiΓ³n Bluetooth en algunos modelos te permite conectarla a tu PC con solo oprimir un botΓ³n.

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Si, por otro lado, tu mamΓ‘ ya es una artista experimentada, los stylus de Wacom cuentan con la precisiΓ³n adecuada y sensaciΓ³n natural para sacarle el mayor provecho a sus tabletas grΓ‘ficas. Por ejemplo, el Pen 4K de Wacom cuenta con 4096 niveles de presiΓ³n e interruptores lateral programable para poner accesos directos a su alcance. AdemΓ‘s, es compatible con todas las tabletas grΓ‘ficas de la compaΓ±Γ­a.

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Todos estos productos se encuentran disponibles en la tienda oficial de Wacom en MΓ©xico y tambiΓ©n en el resto de latinoamerica a travez de diversos mayoristas.

Wacom Movink pen display

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Connect with Wacom on social media

Introducing Wacom Movink: our first OLED pen display and our thinnest and lightest Wacom pen display ever. πŸš€

Unite the art of drawing and inking with mobility and portability with Movink’s brilliant 13.3”, full HD OLED display. This super slim, ultra-light, highly versatile, sturdy device is designed to meet the needs of creative professionals, digital artists and creative students. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Are you ready to go? Learn more about Movink in our stories and through the link in bio! ✨

#WacomMovink #Movink #WacomNews
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Curious about which program is best for drawing vector graphics in 2024? Visual artist @studio_viv has you covered! πŸ™Œβ£
Head to the #WacomBlog to see how Vivienne designs a book cover in Adobe Illustrator vs. Affinity Designer using Wacom One M. ✍ ⁣
Link in bio!⁣
#wacom #design #designer #graphicdesign #vector #digitalart #artprocess⁣
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Learn how to customize your pen and change the brush size in just two  steps ✍️

Discover all the amazing features about your Pen in the link in bio!

#WacomOne #WacomPen
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For a creative professional team like @parasolisland , efficiency and productivity is key to deliver the best results to their clients πŸš€

For years they were using pen tablets and pen displays in combination with high-end monitors, and today they can reduce all of that into one single device: the New Wacom Cintiq Pro.

Thanks to the excellent colour accuracy of the Cintiq Pro 27, this makes a big difference on their workflow.

Get in touch with our enterprise team in the link in bio.

#WacomCintiqPro #Animation
195 5
Exciting news for all creatives! πŸš€

πŸ’« Join Wacom at Playgrounds for a celebration of design, animation, and gaming craftsmanship! @tad.playgrounds @weareplaygrounds 

πŸ’‘ Dive into artist talks, demos, screenings, and live sketching sessions.

✍️ Swing by our booth to test out our cutting-edge pen-displays and tablets, meet Wacom experts, and pick up some pro tips!

Meet us in:
πŸ“… Eindhoven (April 18th-19th)
πŸ“…  Berlin, DE (May 25th-26th)

For more info visit @tad.playgrounds πŸ’«

#Wacom #Playgrounds #CreativeCommunity
169 2
πŸŒ€ City Doodling: Amsterdam edition 🚲

This time creativity strikes us directly from the Amsterdam canals in the hands of @fragileart πŸ’«

#Doodling #Creativeinspiration #MadeWitjwacom
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Two ways of scrolling in the same display βœοΈπŸ‘€

Which one is your favourite move? πŸ‘‡

Customize your Wacom One and see where it takes you!

#WacomOne #WacomPen #CreativeInspiration
466 3
We chat with @adansilvart, illustrator and artist who has been working in branding & illustration projects for different brands. πŸš€

Join us while Adan shares insights into his creative journey and the vital role Wacom products has played in his career. ❀️

#ArtistInterview #illustration #DigitalArt
342 41
Today, we celebrate World Pencil Day πŸŽ‰

Wacom has been at the forefront of innovation, creating a digital pen that allows you to bring all your creations to life and have thousands of colors and textures in a single pen. ✍️

One of the features we love most about our Wacom One is that you can use any Wacom pen or any compatible pen with it.

Have you tried any of these? Let us know in the comments. πŸ‘‡

Check out our special offers in the link in bio!

#WorldPencilDay #WacomOne
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Friday with F like Finished work πŸ’«

We want to see your finished pieces, feel fry to join our artwork chain using the hashtag #MadewithWacom πŸš€

How are you ending the week?

#MadewithWacom #CreativeInspiration
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Bedtime stories by @nlanzillo πŸ“šπŸ˜΄β£
It’s so cool to see all you can do in 3D and animation using the #CintiqPro27 πŸš€β£
#MadebyWacom in a #CintiqPro27
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