Nick Shaheen Feature Image

Where Pixels And Daydreams Collide: Nick Shaheen’s Motion Capture Journey with Rokoko and Wacom

January 1, 2025

Nick Shaheen is an independent writer, director, and motion graphics designer and visual effects artist. He’s created several award-winning short films, worked on numerous commercial projects and music videos. He collaborated with Wacom and Rokoko to showcase his motion graphics workflow, featuring the Cintiq Pro 32 and Rokoko motion capture suit.

Check out that video below, his YouTube channel for more of his motion capture work, or read on for an interview we did with him about his work and his process.

Can you briefly introduce yourself? 

I’m Nick Shaheen. I’m an unassuming introverted desk jockey that moonlights as a freelance motion graphic designer and visual effects artist. I think everyone has a creative alter ego they keep hidden away. Mine tends to come out after sunset. 

How did you get started in 3D and how did you first start animating? 

I’ve always had a passion for filmmaking, particularly visual effects; however, my educational background is in medicine, so I spent a fair bit of my early career creating medical illustrations. I started off using software like Photoshop, After Effects, and Element 3D, and over time, I got into more powerful 3D tools like Cinema 4D, ZBrush, and Substance Painter. I’ve now been working in CG for a little over 10 years as a CG generalist, tackling everything from films to commercial projects and music videos, as well as the occasional passion project. 

If you had to choose, what is the single most defining characteristic that makes your content unique and entirely yours? In other words, what would you say is your artist trademark? 

I have “Artistic Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (that’s probably a real thing). My personal projects usually revolve around whatever sparks my interest in the moment. I look at each project as an opportunity to practice; whether it’s experimenting with looping animations, exploring physics simulations, or recreating a movie scene.  I’d say 90% of my personal projects end up in a folder on my hard drive and never see the light of day, but I do it to keep my mind in the process and refine my skills. 

Do you have a favorite artwork or project you’re especially proud of? 

The perfect loop animation “Dreamer,” which I made for a Rokoko community challenge, is one of my favorite projects. It’s kind of autobiographical in a way. What kid didn’t jump on their bed and dream of flying into outer space? For this project I spent most of my time recreating my childhood bedroom down to the Thundercats trashcan and spaceship night light. 

Name three pieces of equipment (software or hardware) that you can’t live without. 

A wise man once said, “Only a poor carpenter blames his tools,” but I say, “You can’t paint the Mona Lisa with a #2 pencil.” Your gear will affect everything from efficiency, creative opportunities, and even your health. 

First and foremost, you need a decent PC, preferably one with an Nvidia-powered GPU. There’s nothing worse than a processor with “integrated graphics” and false promises. A robust GPU is crucial for rendering and handling complex simulations efficiently.

Second, a good mouse coupled with a graphics tablet are indispensable tools. Personally, I use the Cintiq Pro 32 on an Ergo stand, and it has opened so many creative avenues, especially when it comes to sculpting and texturing. The ability to work accurately and intuitively in programs like Substance Painter and ZBrush has really expanded what I can do, making the creative process a lot more fun and dynamic.   

Lastly, I’d say a good basic 3D software. C4D is my home, but sometimes I vacation in Blender. Other industry-standard programs that can enhance my creativity, like Substance Painter for texturing and ZBrush for sculpting, are also at the top of my list.

Speaking of gear, what do you love about Rokoko mocap tools? 

I have v2 of the Rokoko mocap suit and also a pair of gloves. It’s a really powerful tool that lowers some of the barriers to creating character animation. Rokoko has the best bang for your buck in terms of mocap suits, gloves, and software solutions. 

Rokoko also has a huge online community (and support team), which is great if you need to troubleshoot issues or get inspiration. 

Do you have a piece of advice that you’d give to a younger version of yourself, just starting out in motion design? 

Embrace the learning process and don’t be afraid to experiment. Mistakes and unfinished projects are part of the journey—they’re valuable practice and a chance to develop new ideas. Stay curious, keep pushing your boundaries, and enjoy the creative process. 

Portrait NickShaeheen

Sobre el creador

Nick Shaheen is an independent writer, director, and motion graphics designer and visual effects artist. Follow him on Instagram, X (Twitter), Vimeo, or Behance.

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