We just love the style of Alex Solis! His irreverent and colorful adventures, linked to a very intelligent and unique way to express (and connect) concepts, is what makes him great.
Art has been a passion of mine all my life, I’m creating or working on some type or art everyday, even when I rest or take a day off, I sit and doodle something even if it’s only a few minutes.
if you didn’t get it… google Mutant Teenage Ninja Turtles dad.
I think my passion and love for what I do shows in the work I create.
At one point after High School I felt that art wasn’t going to pay the bills, and couldn’t get away from the starving artist idea, so I focused on Design and Web Development, learning code and design really helped my illustration and art, to add a more visual and concept driven look to everything I created.
In the recent years I have been heavily focused on pushing my art a lot more and have gotten tons of opportunities and traveling around the world with my art (even won an international illustration award in Brazil) and shared my story with over 2.5k people (Public Speaking is one of my biggest fears)
He is using his Mobile Studio Pro: Get yours here!
Art has pushed me in life in a way that has given me courage to do stuff I never dreamed of doing, and I’m really focused and excited to keep pushing harder to see where it takes me!
Follow me on Instagram for my latest work instagram.com/alexmdc
For further information or to contact the Alex:
[email protected]
Work :
New Balance
Thorn Foundation
Nightmare BeforeXmas
Nick Retro
Adventure Time
Mr. Clean
Corona Light
+ more
Follow him on IG