We met Anna during a trip to Indonesia. She was in our hostal taking care of an eagle. We talk about many things in life and we were amazed by her stories and knowledge. Besides being an incredible passionate human being for animal’s health, she also happend to be an outstanding artist and talented photographer: This is where the Wacom team got more interested in her stories.
Back in Europe, we send her a tablet so she could pursuit her way into Digital art and this is something of what she has done in about 3 months.
Stay tuned because we will have some more coming up about her little furry animals and her Wacom Cintiq 16!
“Hi, my name is Anna ModliΕska and I’m veterinarian, traveler and amateur artist. In my job I usually work with exotic animals and they are also central part of my journeys- I try to see their life in places they belong.
Some of her colorful work: