10 things your art teacher won’t tell you

10 things your art teacher won’t tell you

Whether you went to art school or not, feedback from an experienced artist can be crucial in developing your craft. But art teachers aren’t always completely honest! In this guest post (and in the below video), artist James Joyce lets you in on the secrets your art...
How to set up a killer art portfolio for school or work

How to set up a killer art portfolio for school or work

Let’s start with a question: What is the purpose of an art portfolio? Don’t think about it just from your point of view, though — think from your client or admissions officer’s as well. On your end, the purpose is to achieve a goal: usually, getting accepted to an art...
Life after art school: should I freelance or get a job at a creative agency?

Life after art school: should I freelance or get a job at a creative agency?

There’s no shortage of articles on whether it’s better to work as a freelancer or in an office, and they tend to say the same things. That’s because it’s more of a personal lifestyle decision than anything to do with the work you’ll be doing. Still, as someone with...