Wacom Yuify beta

Wacom Yuify empowers visual artists to easily claim authorship over their work. It also makes it simple to set and grant legally robust licenses.

Want to learn more? You’re invited to an informative webinar

We’re excited to invite you to our series of online webinars, where you can learn more about Wacom Yuify directly from our team. These sessions are designed to help you understand the full capabilities of Yuify, explore its features, share your feedback, and get answers to any questions you might have.


Mystic Lighthouse Yuify image

Art by Jessica Priesmeyer

What is Yuify?

Yuify micromarking icon


Wacom Yuify’s invisible watermarking or micro-marking is a proprietary technology developed and patented by Wacom. It embeds invisible pixels into your exported photo or digital artwork.

The image appears unchanged, while the micro-marks create a permanent record establishing you as the creator. This record can be traced back to you using the Yuifinder.


Digital authorship link

Yuify utilizes decentralized identifiers and blockchain technology to establish a permanent digital link between artist and artwork. This is not just convenient, but also secure.

Artists can also embed other information into the Yuify record, such as their motivation for the piece or influences.


Authorship discovery & licensing

Using the Yuifinder, a publicly accessible tool those digital links can be accessed. Anyone can simply drag and drop an artwork into the Yuifinder, and if there is a Yuify record for that artwork it will reveal its authorship record.

The Yuifinder also allows prospective clients to contact creators and can facilitate artwork licensing.

Wacom Yuify beta

Yuify will be entering a public beta phase, where interested artists can test out the technology for themselves and give us feedback on how it works as we prepare for the full release. Interested in joining the public beta, or just want to learn all the details about how Yuify works? Register for one of our informative webinars to get your question answered and to learn how to join the beta.

Secure your spot today!

Register now to secure your spot in one of our webinars and take the first step towards securing your authorship and managing your digital rights with Wacom Yuify.

Note: these informational webinars are only available to users in the United States.

Join Session #1

Wednesday, July 10th

Start Time:
5:00 PM PDT / 8:00 PM EDT

Join Session #2

Thursday, July 11th

Start Time:
9:00 AM PDT / 12:00 PM EDT

Join Session #3

Thursday, July 11th

Start Time:
2:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM EDT

Join Session #4

Monday, July 15th

Start Time:
5:00 PM PDT / 8:00 PM EDT

Join Session #5

Tuesday, July 16th

Start Time:
9:00 AM PDT / 12:00 PM EDT

Join Session #6

Tuesday, July 16th

Start Time:
2:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM EDT