Ilustração para livro infantil com a Lila Cruz

September 29, 2020

Com o dia das crianΓ§as chegando querΓ­amos apresentar para vocΓͺ uma artista que ama e vive o mundo das ilustraçáes infantis e que recentemente lanΓ§ou um livro lindo que tanto crianΓ§as e adultos vΓ£o se apaixonar.

Com vocΓͺs Lila Cruz.

Conte pra gente um pouco de vocΓͺ e suas ilustraçáes.

Trabalho com ilustração regularmente hÑ cerca de cinco anos, e dentro desse mercado sempre quis trabalhar com ilustração infantil, especialmente para livros. Queria muito ver capas de livros feitas por mim nas prateleiras das livrarias, porque sempre fui muito apaixonada por livrarias.

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Quando ilustro livros, em especial para crianças e adolescentes, tento pensar em como eu me incomodava em não me sentir representada em nenhuma capa, nada que eu via nas livrarias: todas as heroínas e personagens principais eram sempre brancas (e loiras). Então sempre que consigo adiciono o mÑximo de diversidade que a cena pode proporcionar. Tons de pele variados, texturas de cabelo variadas, estéticas variadas. Como ilustradores estamos construindo novas carinhas que estarão nas prateleiras no futuro, então aumentar a representatividade é uma coisa que considero essencial.
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Pra trabalhar uso uma Cintiq 16hd, que amo demais! Uso o photoshop para desenhar as ilustras, e cada ilustra e cada capa que faço procuro montar uma pastinha de inspiraçáes, cores para criar a paleta que vou usar na ilustra, imagens que me inspiram para aquele trabalho. A ideia é criar pequenos universos em cada capa ou livro ilustrado, para complementar o texto da melhor forma possível. <3

Ficou curioso sobre o trabalho da artista?
Confira aqui o seu site e suas redes sociais.


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Connect with Wacom on social media

Mental health awareness month is upon us and we want to give a shout-out to anyone out there struggling, yet creating. ⁣
We see you and you're absolutely wonderful. 😍⁣
Art by @chibirdart πŸ€πŸ’“β£
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πŸ†• Alex WΓ€tzel @dgtlcraft_postproduction , High-end photo retoucher & video editor with more than 10 years of experience on the creative industry, tried the NEW Wacom Movink! 

Watch his first impressions of our new amazing pen display 🀩

Now’s your turn! Follow the link in our bio and discover all the amazing benefits of our new Wacom MovinkπŸ’₯

#WacomMovink #CreativeProfessionals #CreativesOnTheGo #MovinkMakers
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Meet the NEW Wacom Movink πŸ†•πŸ’₯ first of its kind OLED pen display perfect for creative professionals on the go!

A professional device that you can easily pack and carry with you anywhere, everywhere.

If you  switch workstations, visit clients,  travel frequently or work in different locations and studios, this device is all you need.

Follow the link in our bio and discover all of the benefits of our NEWEST product: Wacom Movink

Now, get ready to Make your move! 😎

#WacomMovink #CreativeProfessionals #CreativesOnTheGo
2352 108
Introducing Wacom Movink: our first OLED pen display and our thinnest and lightest Wacom pen display ever. πŸš€

Unite the art of drawing and inking with mobility and portability with Movink’s brilliant 13.3”, full HD OLED display. This super slim, ultra-light, highly versatile, sturdy device is designed to meet the needs of creative professionals, digital artists and creative students. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Are you ready to go? Learn more about Movink in our stories and through the link in bio! ✨

#WacomMovink #Movink #WacomNews
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Curious about which program is best for drawing vector graphics in 2024? Visual artist @studio_viv has you covered! πŸ™Œβ£
Head to the #WacomBlog to see how Vivienne designs a book cover in Adobe Illustrator vs. Affinity Designer using Wacom One M. ✍ ⁣
Link in bio!⁣
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Learn how to customize your pen and change the brush size in just two  steps ✍️

Discover all the amazing features about your Pen in the link in bio!

#WacomOne #WacomPen
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For a creative professional team like @parasolisland , efficiency and productivity is key to deliver the best results to their clients πŸš€

For years they were using pen tablets and pen displays in combination with high-end monitors, and today they can reduce all of that into one single device: the New Wacom Cintiq Pro.

Thanks to the excellent colour accuracy of the Cintiq Pro 27, this makes a big difference on their workflow.

Get in touch with our enterprise team in the link in bio.

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Exciting news for all creatives! πŸš€

πŸ’« Join Wacom at Playgrounds for a celebration of design, animation, and gaming craftsmanship! @tad.playgrounds @weareplaygrounds 

πŸ’‘ Dive into artist talks, demos, screenings, and live sketching sessions.

✍️ Swing by our booth to test out our cutting-edge pen-displays and tablets, meet Wacom experts, and pick up some pro tips!

Meet us in:
πŸ“… Eindhoven (April 18th-19th)
πŸ“…  Berlin, DE (May 25th-26th)

For more info visit @tad.playgrounds πŸ’«

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Which one is your favourite move? πŸ‘‡

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